
How to get the most out of last 2 shifts?

I handed in my notice at my morale-sapping shop job. I do have another, completely diffrent, venture lined up that im more than excited to plunge in to, however, today and tomorrow are my last 2 7/8 hour shifts The shop is pretty awful in my opinion. Absolutely filthy, cluttered, unorganised, bad record-keeping, bad management etc (which is why I've quit in the first place) and normally I'd spend my shifts trying to organise small sections, clean up, tidy etc. This is always undone by the manager and assistant manager the following morning (a mother/daughter duo who have been there over 12 years and clearly don't like change, but do seemingly like leaving bits of tobacco and mouldy coffee cups all around the tills). So I refuse to spend my last 2 shifts trying to hold back the tide like i have been doing for months. Which brings me to…

I handed in my notice at my morale-sapping shop job. I do have another, completely diffrent, venture lined up that im more than excited to plunge in to, however, today and tomorrow are my last 2 7/8 hour shifts

The shop is pretty awful in my opinion. Absolutely filthy, cluttered, unorganised, bad record-keeping, bad management etc (which is why I've quit in the first place) and normally I'd spend my shifts trying to organise small sections, clean up, tidy etc. This is always undone by the manager and assistant manager the following morning (a mother/daughter duo who have been there over 12 years and clearly don't like change, but do seemingly like leaving bits of tobacco and mouldy coffee cups all around the tills). So I refuse to spend my last 2 shifts trying to hold back the tide like i have been doing for months.

Which brings me to you lovely people. Beyond serving customers, how can I spend these last 2 shifts? What can I be doing to improve my future or myself? Nobody checks what I'm doing, and the other supervisor I'm on with tonight normally leaves me on the till all night. So I can take in my notebook and phone to be getting on with things.

Any suggestions?

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