
I told them I was leaving and my manager pulled a “but think of the children!”

Bit of a long rant, I apologize. Let me just start off by saying I'm childfree, will always be childfree, and have no idea where the hell this lady got the idea I would ever want children. Long story short, I leave for school in a month to study for a lab job I want to do. Currently I work in a doctors office and I HATE my current role. If it's not entitled doctors I have to deal with who literally stamp their Prada encased feet and calls us “bitches” like a petulant child throwing a tantrum because something isn't going their way, it's entitled patients who show up thirty minutes late and expect you to drop everything you're doing to see them immediately despite the fact that you're seeing other patients who did bother to show up on time. And not to mention the shitty working conditions for…

Bit of a long rant, I apologize.

Let me just start off by saying I'm childfree, will always be childfree, and have no idea where the hell this lady got the idea I would ever want children.

Long story short, I leave for school in a month to study for a lab job I want to do. Currently I work in a doctors office and I HATE my current role. If it's not entitled doctors I have to deal with who literally stamp their Prada encased feet and calls us “bitches” like a petulant child throwing a tantrum because something isn't going their way, it's entitled patients who show up thirty minutes late and expect you to drop everything you're doing to see them immediately despite the fact that you're seeing other patients who did bother to show up on time.

And not to mention the shitty working conditions for little pay.

I was fired once for sitting in the break room while I prepped charts seeing as there were only two chairs in the lab and 4 of us MAs.

Then I had a doctor who only paid me 12 dollars an hour but expected me to show up to work IN THE MIDDLE OF A GOD DAMN BLIZZARD for his ONE patient who hadn't canceled that day only to immediately send me home after.

So glad I buried myself in 15k debt to learn how to do this job!

Anyways, I put in six years of hard labor, sweat, and tears for this job to the point of growing grays at only 27 from how stressed out I am and I am done.

I don't wanna do it anymore.

I wouldn't wish this job on my most hated enemy so I'm getting out.

When I told my manager yesterday that I was leaving, she asked me what I was going to study and when I told her about the lab job she, for some reason, thought it would be a good idea to tell me I'm somehow fucking up my life because it would be a hard job to get into without connections and that I'd be “better off as a nurse”.

First of all, I already have connections. Plenty that I've made working at this current job, that I'm going to have at school, and from people I'm friends with personally so even if that were remotely true (It's not, the job is in high demand. I did my research before throwing myself back into debt), I'd have my ducks in a row before I even graduate.

Secondly, like I said. I HATE this current job with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns so I highly doubt I'll enjoy nursing at all. She then asked me how I plan to be there for my kids in the future because being in the lab job is very time consuming (it's not, the guy who does it in our office gets out 4 hours earlier than I do).

But like….my boyfriend and I are both strictly childfree not that it's any of her business anyway?

Also sis…if you think any nurses have any time for anyone else, do I have some news for you.

She then asked me to stay on board an extra week because I only gave her a “two week notice” but I didn't.

I gave her 3.

I wanted a week to myself to actually spend time with my boyfriend and decompress from this god awful job before school started but she insisted I stay longer.

I go back to work on monday. Any advice on how to tell her I'm sticking to my last day as planned?


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