
Suffering 15 day long stomach bug

Send a email an hour before my shift stating I'm going to ER for severe stomach virus. Store owner doesn't check email. Then texts me next morning saying no call no shows are unacceptable. I had no patience with my response as I was in the ER and she already cuts my hours to 7hours a week. Though you might enjoy someone cussing at their ex boss she is the store owner and never checks her email.

Send a email an hour before my shift stating I'm going to ER for severe stomach virus. Store owner doesn't check email. Then texts me next morning saying no call no shows are unacceptable. I had no patience with my response as I was in the ER and she already cuts my hours to 7hours a week. Though you might enjoy someone cussing at their ex boss she is the store owner and never checks her email.

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