
I’m a middle manager. Trust me, if the average worker would really put their foot down, there would be a better work environment for all of us.

Most of the time I see top management taking decisions that are just not right sometimes and people just kinda accept it because they have to (me included). Most of the time it's because we operate on tiny margins and really tight schedules imposed by the clients (s&p 500 type). Why? Competition. The companies we compete with propose really low prices. How? Low cost labor. Why? People accepting shit jobs in shit conditions. I work with my other middle managers towards optimizing all processes to reduce all costs, but we just really struggle to go any lower than we already have. Most of the time our margins are averaging a tight 7-8%. How can we improve things if we don't even have the money to raise salaries? Most of the turnover is used for maintenance, new tools etc.

Most of the time I see top management taking decisions that are just not right sometimes and people just kinda accept it because they have to (me included). Most of the time it's because we operate on tiny margins and really tight schedules imposed by the clients (s&p 500 type). Why? Competition.

The companies we compete with propose really low prices. How? Low cost labor. Why? People accepting shit jobs in shit conditions.

I work with my other middle managers towards optimizing all processes to reduce all costs, but we just really struggle to go any lower than we already have. Most of the time our margins are averaging a tight 7-8%. How can we improve things if we don't even have the money to raise salaries? Most of the turnover is used for maintenance, new tools etc.

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