
I’m at my wits end. (Rant)

My GM just quit at my job. I'm an assistant manager. Two other assistant managers have stepped up to take over his duties, and it is a disaster. They started by scheduling me 6 days in a row, back to back 10-12 hour shifts. I was originally supposed to have one of those days off, but then found out only the day before that they conveniently put me in for a shift on my one day off on the paper schedule, which conveniently trumps the email schedule. Every worker (With one exception) is to some degree just an incompetent asshat who comes in to collect money for less than minimum effort. The two GMs are the only ones I can rely on to get anything done, and they're mostly scheduled at times when I am not. Add on top of that, EVERYONE has collectively decided they want to be especially…

My GM just quit at my job. I'm an assistant manager. Two other assistant managers have stepped up to take over his duties, and it is a disaster. They started by scheduling me 6 days in a row, back to back 10-12 hour shifts. I was originally supposed to have one of those days off, but then found out only the day before that they conveniently put me in for a shift on my one day off on the paper schedule, which conveniently trumps the email schedule. Every worker (With one exception) is to some degree just an incompetent asshat who comes in to collect money for less than minimum effort. The two GMs are the only ones I can rely on to get anything done, and they're mostly scheduled at times when I am not. Add on top of that, EVERYONE has collectively decided they want to be especially flaky this week. “I'm not feeling well” “I have car troubles” “Oh I forgot to tell you I'm out of town”

I didn't sleep Friday night due to work stresses compounding with other stresses. I came into work anyway, pounded 3 cans of monster, and did the shift, with 2 people, on a night that would usually take 4-5. I drove home at 4 in the morning, madly desperate to crawl into bed, only to find my apartment complex had changed all the locks and I was locked out, and the only guy who could let me in, one of the private security guys who are supposed to be there 24/7, just wasn't there. Baled on his shift, if I had to guess with my conversation with their dispatcher. Oh yeah, then I got locked out of my car too.

As much as I'm absolutely here for taking an off day when you need it, I am sick and tired to the point I want to scream and rage and cry. I genuinely do not understand how hard it is to show up for your scheduled shift, work your shift, do the BARE MINUMUM, and go home. Hell, even though I've now not slept in 48 hours, I'm still going to go work my 11 hour shift today. I'm going to hate every second of it and probably wish I was dead, but I'm still going to show up.

Would I expect someone in my same situation to show up for work? Honestly, no. But considering I'm probably about to start hallucinating, I feel like this is one of the few situations I would be warranted in taking an off day. I know the kinds of people these are, and no I'm not perfect about it, but I can kind of tell when someone is just bullshitting me because they don't want to come to work, or because they want to go home.

Yes I'm aware this entire situation would be solved by simply hiring more workers, but the owner of the company is medically allergic to spending money.

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