
Getting bought out, have to apply for my job.

I've been part of two company buyouts before. Both times company B comes in and buys us out in full. Tools, assets, and employees, etc. And then we had an informal meeting that was pretty much saying what benefits are changing and to negotiate. Enter the company I work for now, A. We do a lot of work for company B (which is the company buying us out.) We were originally told they would buy the company out and we'd all be going along with an informal type meeting to go over things. How it's been in the past. Now, it's been radio silence for a month, the buyout is in two weeks and I just found out that company B isn't hiring us all on immediately, and if we want to keep our jobs we have to apply and go through the interview process. So, boss of company A…

I've been part of two company buyouts before. Both times company B comes in and buys us out in full. Tools, assets, and employees, etc. And then we had an informal meeting that was pretty much saying what benefits are changing and to negotiate.

Enter the company I work for now, A. We do a lot of work for company B (which is the company buying us out.) We were originally told they would buy the company out and we'd all be going along with an informal type meeting to go over things. How it's been in the past. Now, it's been radio silence for a month, the buyout is in two weeks and I just found out that company B isn't hiring us all on immediately, and if we want to keep our jobs we have to apply and go through the interview process. So, boss of company A will be laying us off, and company B won't be hiring for a month or so after. And I honestly think it's because me and a coworker. We.. we kinda bullied out boss into a huge raise (which we deserve and brings it to a living wage for our area) and I think our boss agreed because he'd only pay it for a few weeks. Definitely feel like company B is doing this to negotiate us down.

Jokes on them though, coworker and I are both fine with immediately walking if we don't get our pay. Honestly thinking about going back to freelancing.

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