
Fired for nothing before starting

Just spent 3 months applying to jobs with the only one offering me a job being a pizza shop we'll call Doringo's. Had an issue with the DMV where registration was filed but the sticker never sent. Couldn't work til I had the sticker. Spent the last 3 weeks running around trying to get it taken care of, around the DMV being closed 6-7 days of the week (rural area, plenty of storm-related-outtages) I finally get all my papers together and info sent and the boss hits me with “I don't have any hours for you, good luck to you” “No OnE wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE”

Just spent 3 months applying to jobs with the only one offering me a job being a pizza shop we'll call Doringo's.

Had an issue with the DMV where registration was filed but the sticker never sent. Couldn't work til I had the sticker.

Spent the last 3 weeks running around trying to get it taken care of, around the DMV being closed 6-7 days of the week (rural area, plenty of storm-related-outtages)

I finally get all my papers together and info sent and the boss hits me with “I don't have any hours for you, good luck to you”

“No OnE wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE”

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