
Is it wrong of me only wanting a simple job and life?

Sorry if this isnt the right sub for this. But my whole life it was never a priority of mine to “climb the ladder of success” . As soon as someone graduates high school they immediately get into the college mindset, Take on loads of debt. Unless they have a rich family then it doesnt matter, but you get what im saying, And begin their race to success. As if that is everyones main purpose in life and their whole identity. Like its what were “suppose to do”. But I never wanted to do any of that. And take no part in this society. In fact my idea of life is just live minimally and actually…since i have to anyways.. Just work at a local grocery store or restaurant and just kinda float through life on a basic job. That seems realistic right? The generations before us can work at…

Sorry if this isnt the right sub for this.

But my whole life it was never a priority of mine to “climb the ladder of success” . As soon as someone graduates high school they immediately get into the college mindset, Take on loads of debt. Unless they have a rich family then it doesnt matter, but you get what im saying, And begin their race to success. As if that is everyones main purpose in life and their whole identity. Like its what were “suppose to do”.

But I never wanted to do any of that. And take no part in this society. In fact my idea of life is just live minimally and actually…since i have to anyways.. Just work at a local grocery store or restaurant and just kinda float through life on a basic job. That seems realistic right?

The generations before us can work at a store of some sort and can afford an entire house and support a family without a college degree. As it should be! But obviously not anymore. And that bugs me. Because now there is this pressure to “get a real job” to be able to actually live comfortably. And if youre working a basic job, Now youre an “unskilled worker” and looked at as a failure or something. Its madness. You should be able to live with a basic job. And no more.

I never wanted kids or anything that made me have to grind even harder for survival. I could not support more than just myself on this income. Especially in todays economy. I dont know how people with kids can afford anything honestly. So that allows me to get by a little easier this way.

But am I wrong for thinking like this? Just wanting to live simply without feeling like im a loser because of the social pressure? I just need some other peoples thoughts on this. I havent met anyone else that thinks this way. Everyone is always “on the grind” where I am at.

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