
LinkedIn — WTF

Recently joined LinkedIn out of curiosity and realized how insidious(? idk if insidious is the right word because it’s not subtle; it feels like they’re bashing you over the head with it..) the propaganda is. “80 year olds love working”?!? Who is writing this? Are there regular actual human beings on LinkedIn? You work at Lockheed Martin and can live with yourself? I know that a job’s a job, but I feel like you can just not work at Lockheed Martin or Raytheon. I feel like lots of people don’t work at Lockheed Martin or Raytheon. If you’re gonna work there, the least you can do is be slightly ashamed. Like idk what I expected but I definitely didn’t think it was this asinine. This post has probably been done to death, but damn is LinkedIn just the propaganda arm of Microsoft? Sorry for poor formatting.

Recently joined LinkedIn out of curiosity and realized how insidious(? idk if insidious is the right word because it’s not subtle; it feels like they’re bashing you over the head with it..) the propaganda is. “80 year olds love working”?!? Who is writing this? Are there regular actual human beings on LinkedIn?

You work at Lockheed Martin and can live with yourself? I know that a job’s a job, but I feel like you can just not work at Lockheed Martin or Raytheon. I feel like lots of people don’t work at Lockheed Martin or Raytheon. If you’re gonna work there, the least you can do is be slightly ashamed.

Like idk what I expected but I definitely didn’t think it was this asinine. This post has probably been done to death, but damn is LinkedIn just the propaganda arm of Microsoft?

Sorry for poor formatting.

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