
Corporations “caring” about mental health of their workers

I really hate the trend of corporations going in hard for mental health for the express purpose of increasing worker productivity. Like at first you think, “oh that's nice, supporting workers and helping them deal with stress,” and then you start to notice this insidious idea popping up all throughout the “mental health resources” that the only reason you should try to improve your mental health or take breaks or be compassion toward yourself is to get you back to work faster.

I really hate the trend of corporations going in hard for mental health for the express purpose of increasing worker productivity. Like at first you think, “oh that's nice, supporting workers and helping them deal with stress,” and then you start to notice this insidious idea popping up all throughout the “mental health resources” that the only reason you should try to improve your mental health or take breaks or be compassion toward yourself is to get you back to work faster.

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