
I’m not working here for your viewing pleasure. Stop trying to hit on coworkers you barely know.

I'm 20. I'm a new hire intern working for a law firm and I occasionally cover the front desk downstairs when the receptionist takes her lunch. Plenty of people (typically men) linger to make small talk. No problem, I like talking to people and it's a nice break from my work. However, there's this one older man in his 30s who has been talking to the receptionist about me, and now she's trying to set us up together despite the fact that I've shown no interest in him. It would be different if this guy took the time to talk to me, we got along, etc. But he's acting like a child by not approaching me and having the receptionist talk to me for him. It's weird and uncomfortable, but I don't feel like I can say anything because apparently this receptionist is known to be a little volatile, so…

I'm 20. I'm a new hire intern working for a law firm and I occasionally cover the front desk downstairs when the receptionist takes her lunch. Plenty of people (typically men) linger to make small talk. No problem, I like talking to people and it's a nice break from my work. However, there's this one older man in his 30s who has been talking to the receptionist about me, and now she's trying to set us up together despite the fact that I've shown no interest in him. It would be different if this guy took the time to talk to me, we got along, etc. But he's acting like a child by not approaching me and having the receptionist talk to me for him. It's weird and uncomfortable, but I don't feel like I can say anything because apparently this receptionist is known to be a little volatile, so I'm trying to stay on her good side.

It's just annoying. I'm here to work, not a shiny new toy.

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