
Was recently told by Karen that I am not a “particularly hard worker”…

Karen recently told me in a verbal confrontation that she does not like me because I am not a “particularly hard worker.” When I asked her why she felt this way, she told me that it was because I was “never at my desk” and “took a break in the morning and afternoon” on top of lunch. For the record, the “never being at my desk” is referring to the several times a day I get up to go to the bathroom. I have IBS and a medical condition that requires I drink more than a gallon of water per day. HR has paperwork that tells them this and I have an ADA accommodation for it. Apparently it's acceptable for people to take multiple smoke breaks a day, but if you have to use the bathroom….someone call the FBI because that's a felony apparently. I also pointed out that the…

Karen recently told me in a verbal confrontation that she does not like me because I am not a “particularly hard worker.” When I asked her why she felt this way, she told me that it was because I was “never at my desk” and “took a break in the morning and afternoon” on top of lunch.

For the record, the “never being at my desk” is referring to the several times a day I get up to go to the bathroom. I have IBS and a medical condition that requires I drink more than a gallon of water per day. HR has paperwork that tells them this and I have an ADA accommodation for it. Apparently it's acceptable for people to take multiple smoke breaks a day, but if you have to use the bathroom….someone call the FBI because that's a felony apparently.

I also pointed out that the morning and afternoon 15 minute break I take at my desk or to get up and walk around are allowed in company policy. She then told me that the other people in the office never take those breaks. I asked her if they even knew they had the option? I also told her that if they choose to not use them, that's on them and me not working through the break time I'm given is also my choice. That doesn't make me a bad employee…I'm using the time I'm allowed to take.

She told me I also don't go “above and beyond” my role and it makes me look lazy. What she means is that when we have the option to do work for another department and I often opt not to do that work…because I am not paid any more for it. If I am told I don't have a choice and it's an “order” from management, I'll begrudgingly do it. If the choice is there…the answer is no. Going out of my way at this company to do extra for free never gets me anything but asked to do more extra work for free. So…I just, don't. Apparently that makes me a poor worker.

Also got called out by her because I don't ever come in early to set up, and I am already packed up and ready to walk out the door at the exact second the clock hits end of day. I told her I don't get paid to come in early and read emails and get logged in. If I am not paid to be there, I am not going to do it.

For the record, this lady is in her 60s and not a manager to me or anyone in my department. …she told me “your generation wants everything without having to work for it.” I told her no…my employers want everything without having to pay for it….

It's wild to me that someone can shun a person for using the legal regulations allotted them.

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