
To anyone whos been let go unethically w/o notice but “legally”. Lets all start posting the names of these companies so everyone can 1star review them online

So i just worked for a company in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I worked there for 4 years carrying making and nonstop more carrying stones(100lbs+) sand buckets and rock buckets (65lbs+). 7-4ishpm monday through friday. Worked 40-45 hours a week (never onced complained about never getting any over time pay) I worked my ass off all day everyday. So much that i was making 22$ an hour which i started from 12$. I even moved to an apartment that was .7 miles away from the shop so i could be closer. The owner talked about profit sharing with me offered a bonus on a couple of jobs that we had to grind out rush orders for and never wanted to pay up when the time came. I was the only employee for around 2.5 years. Then the owner hired a couple mexican men for 12$ an hour and said “they will…

So i just worked for a company in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I worked there for 4 years carrying making and nonstop more carrying stones(100lbs+) sand buckets and rock buckets (65lbs+). 7-4ishpm monday through friday. Worked 40-45 hours a week (never onced complained about never getting any over time pay) I worked my ass off all day everyday. So much that i was making 22$ an hour which i started from 12$. I even moved to an apartment that was .7 miles away from the shop so i could be closer. The owner talked about profit sharing with me offered a bonus on a couple of jobs that we had to grind out rush orders for and never wanted to pay up when the time came. I was the only employee for around 2.5 years. Then the owner hired a couple mexican men for 12$ an hour and said “they will be starting here tomorrow” and he wants me to train them. Next day i find out THEY DONT SPEAK ENGLISH(nothing against them they worked kinda hard but nothing remotely impressive) i recieve no extra pay for having to deal with the headache of teaching older men that cant understand me and already dont want to listen to me bc im younger and i smoke them in work ethic. He knows he doesnt have to pay them any more than that bc he takes advantage of where they are ive literally helped this man build his company from the bottom (he was in buisness 6 months before the owner started in a small shop. He was able upgrade to a much bigger one through hardwork while i was the only employee)
worked some of my best working years 27-31 for him he lets me go out of nowhere bc he doesnt want to pay me what i have earned and just wants to take adavantage of 3rd and 2nd world people.

Knowing that i wont be able to pay my 1400$ apartment rent i move back home to take some online IT courses. Now im trying get unemployment(ive earned 7000$ spread through 24weeks of unemployment working and paying taxes) and food stamps so i can take these courses and help my mother around her house which is in disarry bc we started remodeling due to black mold. But i cant because the owner of that conpany has to fill out one piece of paper and wont respond. Now i have to start over at 31 somewheres for 12$ an hour.

Yea i get it life isnt fair. Or why dont you use those job skills you acuired for another job? Bc the skills i learned at this job only apply to this job and are worthless anywhere else(except for very entry level contruction postions that anyone can get) This conpany currently have a 5 star review bc 18/19 reviews are my friends, mother, brother and father posting that on google bc i asked them to.

Lesson learned. Manual labor jobs can get swept out from under you feet for no reason so dont be to good at a job you dont want. Degrees and certifictions you can always fall back on and cant be takin away that easily.

Hes got 2 more days to respond to me if he doesnt im posting the name of his company and i hope all of you reading this will go leave him a one star review on google, yelp, facebook or instagram. Two wrongs dont make a right but what if the second wrong teaches the first to never do that again. Also ive never been a supporter of cancel culture with out a worthy cause.

Let me know if im over reacting.

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