
Might get fired early because management can’t find enough for me to do

Last week I formally submitted my notice of resignation at my current job. I told them my last day would be almost two months from now. I’m currently working on finishing up all projects I can before that deadline, but given the current workload, I will most likely be done well before then. Part of my role besides being an IT admin, is to consult with other areas of the business to find ways to leverage our tech platforms to help them with their work and streamline where possible. These projects are traditionally assigned to me, tickets are submitted, or are discovered organically in meetings, etc. It’s not in my job description to seek this work out, I just consult and develop/test/admin the solutions. Today, my immediate supervisor warned me of not having enough to do before my last day, and suggested that I seek out more work to keep…

Last week I formally submitted my notice of resignation at my current job. I told them my last day would be almost two months from now. I’m currently working on finishing up all projects I can before that deadline, but given the current workload, I will most likely be done well before then. Part of my role besides being an IT admin, is to consult with other areas of the business to find ways to leverage our tech platforms to help them with their work and streamline where possible. These projects are traditionally assigned to me, tickets are submitted, or are discovered organically in meetings, etc. It’s not in my job description to seek this work out, I just consult and develop/test/admin the solutions.

Today, my immediate supervisor warned me of not having enough to do before my last day, and suggested that I seek out more work to keep myself busy. “We want to look good [for leadership]”, he said. If I don’t, he’s worried they might terminate me early for not being productive enough. How is it not on leadership/management to provide work for their employees? Am I being unreasonable? I’m starting to regret giving them such a huge notice.

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