
Stay Away From This Company

I applied to a job at Fortunoff Backyard 3 months ago. 2 weeks ago they emailed me at 10am telling me to come in for an interview that day, and to call asap because spots were limited. It also said the manager was only available in that store that day, so it had to be today. I called, scheduling my interview for 3pm. I arrived at 2:50, 10 minutes early. At 3:20 a guy who worked there came up to me and told me it'd be a few more minutes, as the manager was busy. At 3:45, that same guy came up to me and told me to go home, the manager said he'd just zoom call me later. The store was dead, as it was a furniture store midday on a weekday. The manager was talking to the same woman from the moment I walked in til I assume…

I applied to a job at Fortunoff Backyard 3 months ago. 2 weeks ago they emailed me at 10am telling me to come in for an interview that day, and to call asap because spots were limited. It also said the manager was only available in that store that day, so it had to be today. I called, scheduling my interview for 3pm. I arrived at 2:50, 10 minutes early. At 3:20 a guy who worked there came up to me and told me it'd be a few more minutes, as the manager was busy. At 3:45, that same guy came up to me and told me to go home, the manager said he'd just zoom call me later. The store was dead, as it was a furniture store midday on a weekday. The manager was talking to the same woman from the moment I walked in til I assume after I left. He was interviewing her, I asked the guy and he said her interview started at 245. I was within earshot of their conversation, and a lot of their conversation was the woman talking about her family. I drove an hour 1 way just to get there. I get 20 miles to the gallon in my car, and gas isn't cheap. I asked why if he was okay with a zoom call I had to come in to begin with. I explained how I recieved the email that morning, and the level of urgency it implied. The guy told me that his manager sent that out to thousands of people, there was no actual urgency, just a gimmick. He said the manager had availability every day, and that I shouldn't of taken the email so seriously. I remained respectful, shaking the mans hand and leaving. Hours later, the manager called me, unscheduled and unannounced. I respectfully told him that I wasn't willing to work for someone who treats prospective employees that way. He had the audacity to cut me off mid sentence and tell me I was being ridiculous. I raised my voice and explained to him how I was actually quite calm, given the situation. I told him that I have managed people, and I wouldn't be caught dead treating people that way he did, ESPECIALLY prospective employees, since their first impression of a company is the most important. I then told him to have a good night and hung up, blocking his number. This reality is so twisted. If I'm required to jump through hoops just to get to the interview stage, I should at least be given the time and respect I'm due, in the form of an interview. I left that interview and drove right to my grandpa's house, where he died a couple hours later. I wanted to be at his house earlier, but I know how much I need a job, and how hard it is just to get an interview. It was less than two hours after I had to watch my grandpas pulse fall to zero that this mfer called me, and STILL I was respectful and kind. This isn't meant as a woe is me post, or a cry for attention or pity. I just wanted to share one of the many terrible job experiences I've had over the past few months, that I'm sure y'all could relate to. Its really hard to want to keep going when things look the way they do. I dunno, I just wish that a societal switch could be flipped. Anyway, stay away from Fortunoff Backyard in NJ. Buncha assholes.

TLDR- Fortunoff blows, the system blows, fuckthis.jpg

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