
Offices are such an unnatural environment

Have you ever been bored at work in an office and started googling random things and one of the things you googled was 'the evolution of man' and then you see a Wikipedia page or something that says we evolved on the plains of Africa, where you could see long distances and run around if you wanted and the sky was right there the whole time? ​ And then you look up at the office where you have been sitting for the past four hours and it's just a grid of desks or cubicles under punishing artificial light, with walls that are big white rectangles except for the occasional dreary calendar? ​ It makes you wonder what on Earth we are doing with the design of our office spaces (or what the management are thinking). Offices could at least have special soft lights that mimic the outside, natural vistas painted…

Have you ever been bored at work in an office and started googling random things and one of the things you googled was 'the evolution of man' and then you see a Wikipedia page or something that says we evolved on the plains of Africa, where you could see long distances and run around if you wanted and the sky was right there the whole time?

And then you look up at the office where you have been sitting for the past four hours and it's just a grid of desks or cubicles under punishing artificial light, with walls that are big white rectangles except for the occasional dreary calendar?

It makes you wonder what on Earth we are doing with the design of our office spaces (or what the management are thinking). Offices could at least have special soft lights that mimic the outside, natural vistas painted on the walls, and frequent sessions in a specially constructed chill room with cool mist and ambient music.

There could at least be SOME concession to the type of organism we are, but no. We humans, who evolved in large open spaces under natural light, are huddled together in towering concrete monoliths, staring at pixels, with strip lights hammering down on our uncomfortable suited bodies. We weren't built for this. It's horrible.

Rant over.

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