
I ignored my boss yesterday

Yesterday, I ignored all of my bosses call’s & communications yesterday. He is claims that he is all about teaching and transparency but that is really an excuse to have large Zoom meetings where he hammers people with questions like your at a tribunal but also doesn’t listen to any of your responses and just wants you to break down and agree with him. My breaking point came when after a two hour meeting on Monday where he told me my numbers for this report were grossly overstated even though they were exactly the numbers he was getting. But I had to explain my process and was told if I didn’t understand something I should come to him sooner. You would have thought if our numbers were the same it would be proof I did understand but no. I’m not his favorite so must not know what I am doing.…

Yesterday, I ignored all of my bosses call’s & communications yesterday. He is claims that he is all about teaching and transparency but that is really an excuse to have large Zoom meetings where he hammers people with questions like your at a tribunal but also doesn’t listen to any of your responses and just wants you to break down and agree with him.

My breaking point came when after a two hour meeting on Monday where he told me my numbers for this report were grossly overstated even though they were exactly the numbers he was getting. But I had to explain my process and was told if I didn’t understand something I should come to him sooner. You would have thought if our numbers were the same it would be proof I did understand but no. I’m not his favorite so must not know what I am doing.

After finally convincing him that what I did was perfect. He sends me a text at 8am yesterday that he has changed his mind & I need to explain further. But it is not a big deal it is just for “learning purposes” so I don’t make mistakes going forward. Still not sure what the mistake was & he only gives vague allusions about things being double counted.

It is a relatively minor issue but this is like been every encounter with him about every topic for the last 6 months. He is so convinced that I am wrong he never listens. I try to explain my process he will tell me that it is wrong & then just repeat exactly what I said. Or worse ask someone else & they repeat what I said verbatim & he thanks them for the great insight.

I could not spend the day in this cycle with him, so I didn’t answer. It’s unprofessional but whatever. I am not a perfect employee but I am not an idiot. I know what I am doing, if I make a mistake I will own it but there was no mistake, the numbers are the same.

I was on the fence about getting another job but this was the straw that broke the camels back.

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