
No extra salary for bilingual work

First off, I apologize if this is the wrong sub. I have no idea where to post this, and Google has 0 results. I am in Toronto, and I work in sales, selling professional training courses at a medium-sized company. When I applied for this job, I had put that in bilingual English/Spanish on my resume, but being bilingual was NOT in the job description AT ALL. I am the only fluent Spanish speaker in my workplace. They transferred me to the South America/LATAM team where all deals with clients are mostly in pure Spanish. I was the only one working on the team for a while. Then they added another coworker who has basic high school Spanish, but not enough speaking skills to interact with clients and get the necessary information. The company and this coworker constantly expects me to call her clients for her in Spanish, and throws…

First off, I apologize if this is the wrong sub. I have no idea where to post this, and Google has 0 results.

I am in Toronto, and I work in sales, selling professional training courses at a medium-sized company. When I applied for this job, I had put that in bilingual English/Spanish on my resume, but being bilingual was NOT in the job description AT ALL.

I am the only fluent Spanish speaker in my workplace. They transferred me to the South America/LATAM team where all deals with clients are mostly in pure Spanish. I was the only one working on the team for a while.

Then they added another coworker who has basic high school Spanish, but not enough speaking skills to interact with clients and get the necessary information. The company and this coworker constantly expects me to call her clients for her in Spanish, and throws a hissy fit if I don’t. The bosses are also very much like “ask [my name] to do it for you.” when my coworker needs help.

There have been times I’ve been on another call and she goes ahead and calls the Spanish-speaking client and panics when she sees I’m on another call and not available to talk, or she calls them without asking if I’m ready and practically tosses the headset on me.

The company is recently going through a firing thing and firing anyone who doesn’t hit enough sales target. We barely get any revenue due to the language barrier/US dollar value/budget of these Latin American countries. Most deals end up closed lost. Their response? “Try harder.”

I’m afraid they’re going to fire me if I speak up. They did that to another coworker here because he was receiving to many deals and he asked for a raise? That’s what I overheard.

I can’t speak up to my coworker because I sit right beside her every day and she has a VERY huge “attitude” and is damn bossy and scary. I’d probably cry. Don’t wanna get on her bad side.

She also tends to lose her mind if I don’t do the call to “her standards” or forget to ask something.

It’s not as easy as “look for another job” because it’s Toronto and the job market sucks. I have no degree because I could not afford to complete school and pay an OSAP bill of $29383984. I only have 1 year of school and I have to pay $2.2k CAD monthly for rent, so I almost can’t afford a lower pay. (They pay 45k annual before taxes plus a shitty commission).

I recently saw a video of a girl who pushed back against not receiving bilingual pay, and it kinda made me double-think why am I not receiving it? Im not sure if it’s different in Canada though.

They also apparently said the only reason I haven’t been fired is because of my Spanish??? I didn’t hear this directly but my coworker did tell me she heard this multiple times.


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