
Rejection Email After 3 Weeks of Interviews

After 3 weeks of interviewing for this company, including a phone screening, a meet the team, as well as reaching out to three of my references, I wasn't selected. I'm very disappointed, as the team interviewing me used very positive language when discussing the position, and even talked about what the job entailed “when” I interviewed. All to be sent a generic email stating “best of luck!” At the end. Nothing against the place I was interviewing for, but thus process has been tedious. Job searching for the better part of a month, having over 20 interviews in a span of 3 weeks, only to be rejected from the one I was holding out for, sucks mega butt. I'm beyond disappointed with myself and my abilities. I'm not even sure if I should waste time asking for feedback, as I know I was a final candidate and it likely came…

After 3 weeks of interviewing for this company, including a phone screening, a meet the team, as well as reaching out to three of my references, I wasn't selected.
I'm very disappointed, as the team interviewing me used very positive language when discussing the position, and even talked about what the job entailed “when” I interviewed.
All to be sent a generic email stating “best of luck!” At the end.
Nothing against the place I was interviewing for, but thus process has been tedious. Job searching for the better part of a month, having over 20 interviews in a span of 3 weeks, only to be rejected from the one I was holding out for, sucks mega butt.
I'm beyond disappointed with myself and my abilities. I'm not even sure if I should waste time asking for feedback, as I know I was a final candidate and it likely came to a matter of experience.

TLDR: job hunting sux but what's new

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