
Interview with a company that offers much less

I chose to have an interview with a company that offers less than what I currently make . Reason is was within a walking distance and I would save on fuel , get rid of car and earn some more time instead . I did not prepare for the interview .I have stopped preparing for interviews that offer that amount of money which is barely survivable (24K). The interviewer told me I had many skills , when I told her that I also study ..the immediately rejected me. This is the last time I am telling anyone out there who starts with the classic disgusting “Tell me about you” question that I am trying to better my life . Honestly , I will go back to lying them in their face. Thing is : I just don’t have the bloody time to sit in every interview and study their website…

I chose to have an interview with a company that offers less than what I currently make .

Reason is was within a walking distance and I would save on fuel , get rid of car and earn some more time instead .

I did not prepare for the interview .I have stopped preparing for interviews that offer that amount of money which is barely survivable (24K).

The interviewer told me I had many skills , when I told her that I also study ..the immediately rejected me.

This is the last time I am telling anyone out there who starts with the classic disgusting “Tell me about you” question that I am trying to better my life . Honestly , I will go back to lying them in their face.

Thing is : I just don’t have the bloody time to sit in every interview and study their website , prepare questions etc .

I have decided to just be myself . They have the bloody CV in front of them and they still want me to go through ten years of experience .

This is someone who has done multiple interviews and preparing for all with written notes and all .

I am tired of this game of job hunting , I hate every minute of it when at the end of the day it all come down to whether your face/voice/ demeanour fits the “company” of others .

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