
I got fired from a new job after my third day lol

I recently left a very toxic company after 3 years without having a job lined up and fortunately got a new job with a small company (total of 2 employees) a couple weeks later. The job posting was entry level and promoted learning opportunities. I did somewhat similar work at my last job so I was excited to continue developing my skills. My first 3 days did not consist of any type of training but rather “here are these large files… find out xyz and we’ll discuss in an hour”. With having no clear understanding of the data presented and it being only my first week, I apparently took longer than expected to complete these tasks. During a call with the other 2 employees today, I was walking them through one of the files I completed earlier. An HOUR into the call, I get kicked out of the call bc…

I recently left a very toxic company after 3 years without having a job lined up and fortunately got a new job with a small company (total of 2 employees) a couple weeks later. The job posting was entry level and promoted learning opportunities. I did somewhat similar work at my last job so I was excited to continue developing my skills. My first 3 days did not consist of any type of training but rather “here are these large files… find out xyz and we’ll discuss in an hour”. With having no clear understanding of the data presented and it being only my first week, I apparently took longer than expected to complete these tasks. During a call with the other 2 employees today, I was walking them through one of the files I completed earlier. An HOUR into the call, I get kicked out of the call bc my laptop was restarting and chatted them on Teams to let them know. I get a call 15 minutes later from my boss saying they were misled and that this wasn’t going to be a good fit which is why I was kicked out the damn laptop during my meeting. I completely understand that they need to do what’s best for them but at the same time I had no time to study/learn their processes. I don’t think I oversold my data skills based on what was specificed in the posting.. to immediately get handed multiple excel projects with 0 to little instructions on my first couple of days spending hours on end deciphering the data all just for them to make that judgement after only 3 days is embarrassing. To be fair, I didn’t feel like they were a great fit for me either but damn how they handled it was just cold.

I just needed to rant about my first experience getting fired bc I’ll probably keep this a secret from my friends and family at least until I figure out my next move bc this just too embarrassing for me to share. I’m not pissed at this company for firing me, i just wish they were more clear on the expectations of the role because I feel bamboozled.

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