
I made them $2M, now they’ve laid me off & offering me 2 months severance

I started working for my alma mater in 2015. I poured my heart and soul into building an alternative revenue stream for the university that cost them nothing except my small salary. I built a damn enterprise yall. It took me a few years to earn the first $1M and then last year I made them another $1M, in just one year! 1 year ago everything changed. the board of trustees ousted the then president and installed this egomaniac, c-level grifter, “savior” of a new president, who literally has distain for anyone who’s worked there for more than 3 years… he’s an incredible hypocrite who preaches kindness and leadership when he’s in front of a group but one on one he is a smug bully. He sneaks in the back door to eavesdrop and check if people are working. He made everyone return to the office when we were all…

I started working for my alma mater in 2015. I poured my heart and soul into building an alternative revenue stream for the university that cost them nothing except my small salary. I built a damn enterprise yall. It took me a few years to earn the first $1M and then last year I made them another $1M, in just one year!

1 year ago everything changed. the board of trustees ousted the then president and installed this egomaniac, c-level grifter, “savior” of a new president, who literally has distain for anyone who’s worked there for more than 3 years… he’s an incredible hypocrite who preaches kindness and leadership when he’s in front of a group but one on one he is a smug bully. He sneaks in the back door to eavesdrop and check if people are working. He made everyone return to the office when we were all happy with our hybrid flex whatever schedules we had developed over Covid. Morale is the equivalent of a clogged toilet. He makes everyone address him as “dr”, he mandated women must wear SLEEVES… and I could go on and on… he ran off my boss immediately, there was so much turnover, and my entire support structures were eliminated. The last year has been extremely stressful.

Anyway, bc I was the only one bringing in any money for the school, via an enterprise I built and ran, I had a certain vibe about me that he didn’t really care for. Like I wasn’t exactly saluting the chief, ya know? He was an asshole right away and I saw through his “savior” bullshit. So he laid me off, and they’re offering me 2 months salary. They said it had nothing to do with me or my performance, that they are just “eliminating the position” …but they’ve already folded my role into someone else’s, which (aside from being foolish bc I’m the only one that knows how to run it) isn’t that legally not ok in CA? Although I was bringing in the $, my role was not essential to the operation of the university. Is there something to this? My thoughts are swirling… do I just sign and put it behind me? Do I perhaps endeavor to have legal representation pursue something? There’s also the fact that the university will not survive another 6 months, so even if i try that, the school might shut down before it’s settled.

Any insights are appreciated. Thanks y’all.

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