
Boss mad about small thing but ignores important stuff

Bit of a rant. I (23f) work as a lifeguard for a company that provides guards and pool service for apartment buildings in my part of the state. My boss sent out this text today to the guards. It’s funny that they are so pressed over this (the clocking in part- obviously it’s important to not use your phone when people are in the water)this, yet when I tell them about urgent things like the pool chemistry being off, needing supplies, that I need a new t shirt for my uniform (i still have my suit and a long sleeve)- they say they’ll send a pool tech but won’t for days or at all. They’ve sent text out in the past talking about how important it is that we’re in full uniform, test chemicals and inform the office of issues- but lately they’ve been slow on addressing it. If the…

Bit of a rant. I (23f) work as a lifeguard for a company that provides guards and pool service for apartment buildings in my part of the state. My boss sent out this text today to the guards. It’s funny that they are so pressed over this (the clocking in part- obviously it’s important to not use your phone when people are in the water)this, yet when I tell them about urgent things like the pool chemistry being off, needing supplies, that I need a new t shirt for my uniform (i still have my suit and a long sleeve)- they say they’ll send a pool tech but won’t for days or at all. They’ve sent text out in the past talking about how important it is that we’re in full uniform, test chemicals and inform the office of issues- but lately they’ve been slow on addressing it. If the health department comes and the chemistry is off or the guard isn’t identifiable- the pool gets shut down. They need to focus on that.
We clock in through an app with geofence, so you have to be in the range to clock in/out. I usually do clock in from the deck, but clock in from right outside the building if I’m a little late a few times by 1-3 mins. I don’t know what other guards do and how far and late they really are. But I don’t think they are capable of seeing your exact location in the range. And the picture thing won’t prevent anything as I can take a bunch of different pictures of the pool (angles, move things, splash water, etc) and save them for different days. This is my 3rd year with this specific company (did summers and worked off season at an indoor pool) and will be my last as I completed my bachelors this year and after this text- I can’t wait.

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