
Do you feel like when you switch jobs, you just cannot find the right fit?

I thought I was at the best place in my early career, but I was wrong. They told me they “weren't like other companies” and honestly, I was beginning to buy it. They gave me a flexible schedule, they didn't make every mistake into an HR problem, and in the beginning I seemed to be appreciated. Now, I'm struggling because I was put on a PIP, and nobody from my team told me there was an issue up until that point. Now I'm spending each night I have left dedicated to resume fixing and applying. For the first few weeks, I tried to be positive, but it didn't work, so now I have less than two weeks left to improve. Before this company, I worked with so many others that had their own unique issues. Micromanaging, power-tripping bosses, coworker bullies, stressful work environments, etc. I have a lot of disagreements…

I thought I was at the best place in my early career, but I was wrong. They told me they “weren't like other companies” and honestly, I was beginning to buy it. They gave me a flexible schedule, they didn't make every mistake into an HR problem, and in the beginning I seemed to be appreciated.

Now, I'm struggling because I was put on a PIP, and nobody from my team told me there was an issue up until that point. Now I'm spending each night I have left dedicated to resume fixing and applying. For the first few weeks, I tried to be positive, but it didn't work, so now I have less than two weeks left to improve.

Before this company, I worked with so many others that had their own unique issues. Micromanaging, power-tripping bosses, coworker bullies, stressful work environments, etc.

I have a lot of disagreements that I have not shared over how my current coworkers and managers organize themselves, but I've just gaslit myself that I just need to learn how to work around them in order to keep my marbles.

I'm just venting how sad I am, because I really hate having to look for another company and just job hop. Sure I might find a much better opportunity, but it just takes too much of my energy. I was undergoing cancer treatment with this company, and had to still work. They were kind enough to let me WFH the entire week.

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