
Im passing up what would be my first ever promotional opportunity.

Ive been working for a well known nationwide rental company for 3 years. I am top of my team in performance, quantity, quality, and safety, and excel when placed in departments that are not even my specialty. We've had a number of positions open up at my location within the last 3 months and due to quite a few internal promotions, I was set up perfectly to fill an open position with my boss encouraging and hyping me up for the job. It would be my first promotion ever and I was super excited. Admittedly, I had been going back and forth on applying because as soon as the position opened up, our client started dropping 3 times the average workload which forces us into overtime, and its getting insane. I am disabled and a standard 40 hour work week is already pushing it for me, I cannot handle 50-70…

Ive been working for a well known nationwide rental company for 3 years. I am top of my team in performance, quantity, quality, and safety, and excel when placed in departments that are not even my specialty. We've had a number of positions open up at my location within the last 3 months and due to quite a few internal promotions, I was set up perfectly to fill an open position with my boss encouraging and hyping me up for the job. It would be my first promotion ever and I was super excited.

Admittedly, I had been going back and forth on applying because as soon as the position opened up, our client started dropping 3 times the average workload which forces us into overtime, and its getting insane. I am disabled and a standard 40 hour work week is already pushing it for me, I cannot handle 50-70 hour weeks on top of new responsibilities. They've already projected such a high volume of jobs, the likes of which our team has never seen before, for December, and have blacked out any time off for the entire month. The holidays. The only time some people can see family. Its infuriating.

Anywho, I weighed my options and figured a promotion would look good on my resume and a pay raise would boost my morale. I started leaning into applying, until I asked about the pay. Its 50 cents less than I currently make, and corporate refuses to compromise. I would not have my pay docked, but I would not be getting a raise either. My bosses are upset that Ive withdrawn my application and are asking why, and Ive made it very clear that if my current work is worth what Im making, I refuse to add extra responsibility in the middle of an unorganized shit storm with no pay raise, mandatory overtime, and a depressing, lonely holiday season to pile on top of a mentally debilitating disability. A multi billion dollar company wont throw even a measely dollar my way. What a shocker. Guess I'll just keep my head down until I'm out of here.

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