
Recentering the Conversation

I have been following this sub for quite some time now, and it is undoubtedly one of the best pro-worker movement groups I have seen. To see people in our “small” positions fighting back against the status quo is absolutely phenomenal, and incredibly inspiring at the same time. Many of us on this sub probably feel the same – the funny yet sad screenshots from terrible bosses, the stories of total disrespect of personal boundaries, and unreasonable compensations give us a sense of connection to people we've never even met, and give that little boost in feeling heard and “hey that's my situation too” that carries us through the day. But what's next? If we are truly this unhappy with the state of affairs (trust me I am), how can we just rinse and repeat until we die? I am asking from a point of genuine wonder – what can…

I have been following this sub for quite some time now, and it is undoubtedly one of the best pro-worker movement groups I have seen. To see people in our “small” positions fighting back against the status quo is absolutely phenomenal, and incredibly inspiring at the same time. Many of us on this sub probably feel the same – the funny yet sad screenshots from terrible bosses, the stories of total disrespect of personal boundaries, and unreasonable compensations give us a sense of connection to people we've never even met, and give that little boost in feeling heard and “hey that's my situation too” that carries us through the day.

But what's next? If we are truly this unhappy with the state of affairs (trust me I am), how can we just rinse and repeat until we die? I am asking from a point of genuine wonder – what can we do with the “little” power we have to bring the system to fairness? I am ready to fight for change and make it happen, but what would be the fighting ground?

I would argue that the power we have is not little. The elites may control the bulk of financial capital, but we the workers control all the labor capital and most of the spending power. Although I like the complete systemic overhaul of the French Revolution, I think we can all agree that literally chopping off people's heads is not the answer.

Can we squeeze out enough control from the elites by leveraging the resources we actually control? From the comments I have read here, there are some incredibly smart people on here. Can the smart folks (and the rest of us normies) band together to actually do something? I am tired of getting a glimmer of humanity on here just to go back to the dread of reality that is late stage capitalism.

Sounds pretty cheesy, but if this is indeed the reality for most of us, the onus of taking charge and changing it (or fight trying to change it) is on us.

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