
Company wants us to complete a new training with the promise of a $2 dollar raise but there’s a catch…

My company is ruling out a new training system that once you finish, you get $2 dollar raise. Sounds great right? The catch is that our base wage is $11 – $12 USD and we have a “living wage” system in place that ends up taking tips from the entire staff and splits it among everyone based on a percentage depending on your role at the restaurant. This equals to about $20 an hour for the lower roles and if we make anything below $20 the company will make up the difference but the catch is that since the base wage is the one getting a raise, we’re still going to see the exact same amount of money on our checks. They’re only going to be meeting the base of $20 so we’re essentially not going to be seeing the raise at all. I brought this up to three different…

My company is ruling out a new training system that once you finish, you get $2 dollar raise. Sounds great right? The catch is that our base wage is $11 – $12 USD and we have a “living wage” system in place that ends up taking tips from the entire staff and splits it among everyone based on a percentage depending on your role at the restaurant. This equals to about $20 an hour for the lower roles and if we make anything below $20 the company will make up the difference but the catch is that since the base wage is the one getting a raise, we’re still going to see the exact same amount of money on our checks. They’re only going to be meeting the base of $20 so we’re essentially not going to be seeing the raise at all.

I brought this up to three different managers and the conversations went similar to this:

Op: “But if we always make $20 an hour if we don’t make enough with tips, then where am I seeing those extra two dollars?”

M: “Well, if we average out anything above $20 worth of tips you guys get that difference and that’s when you’ll see it”

Op: “But that’s literally the system that’s in place right now, and we don’t always make more than $20 after tips so where am I going to see that raise?”

M: “Well there will just be times where you won’t get that extra money”

Like what??????? How does that make any sense at all? You’re giving us a raise but not actually giving us more money???? Someone please make it make sense!

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