
Turning in my 2 weeks notice tomorrow…

I’m excited to be leaving this shitty ass job behind, but I’m also extremely nervous. To make a long story short: I’m moving out of the state for grad school in 2 weeks, and I’ve know about this upcoming move since I started this job back in January. I apologize if that makes me come off as shitty, but I still had to pay bills and keep saving money somehow. Anywho, it started off nice but turned into probably one of the most toxic work environments I’ve ever been in so far, and I want out, but I’m a little worried about the reaction I’m gonna get. A guy in my department turned his in a few weeks ago while he was WFH and the gossiping and rumors that spread throughout the entire building was uncomfortable. But at the same time, it’s in the company’s policy that if a written…

I’m excited to be leaving this shitty ass job behind, but I’m also extremely nervous.

To make a long story short: I’m moving out of the state for grad school in 2 weeks, and I’ve know about this upcoming move since I started this job back in January. I apologize if that makes me come off as shitty, but I still had to pay bills and keep saving money somehow.

Anywho, it started off nice but turned into probably one of the most toxic work environments I’ve ever been in so far, and I want out, but I’m a little worried about the reaction I’m gonna get. A guy in my department turned his in a few weeks ago while he was WFH and the gossiping and rumors that spread throughout the entire building was uncomfortable. But at the same time, it’s in the company’s policy that if a written notice is submitted at least 2 weeks in advance, they will let us use whatever PTO we have left (and I have a whole week saved, so I’m really hoping to cash in on that so I can spend my last week with my family, packing, etc).

I guess I’m not really sure how exactly I’m supposed to go about it and I don’t really know what to expect? I’ve never submitted a notice or had the awkward conversation about leaving, but I’m trying to do whatever I need to do to get to my PTO. On the other hand, I’m fully prepared for the possibility that they may find some sort of loophole to prevent me from using my PTO, or maybe even send me home right there.

Please help me calm down a little, and thanks in advance

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