
Curious what is allowed in “at-will” states (TX)

I got fired today relatively out of nowhere. I knew my new boss didn't like me. Was surprised by an HR rep who let me go with no reason discussed in the meeting, just here are your papers and goodbye. Been at the company for 7+ years. Of those 7, six have been “exceeds expectations” and one “meets expectations” reviews so no one seemed to think I sucked. In the papers my boss wrote quite a bit about my performance (she has been my 4th boss in 5 years; so I have worked for her about 1 year) but I have 5+ lies in her documentation that are easily proven to be false in her reasoning. Like: OP didn't show for a one on one, when I was there and the “Teams Attendance” sheet shows that she wasn't there and I was and I asked her “why she didn't show?”.…

I got fired today relatively out of nowhere. I knew my new boss didn't like me. Was surprised by an HR rep who let me go with no reason discussed in the meeting, just here are your papers and goodbye. Been at the company for 7+ years. Of those 7, six have been “exceeds expectations” and one “meets expectations” reviews so no one seemed to think I sucked.
In the papers my boss wrote quite a bit about my performance (she has been my
4th boss in 5 years; so I have worked for her about 1 year) but I have 5+ lies in her documentation that are easily proven to be false in her reasoning. Like: OP didn't show for a one on one, when I was there and the “Teams Attendance” sheet shows that she wasn't there and I was and I asked her “why she didn't show?”.
Is there anything I can do moving forward? Should I call HR and ask why I was let go with these lies sitting right there?

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