
New manager is unwitting screwing me over.

I think I’m asking for advice but I might just be venting. How do I diplomatically tell my boss that he’s currently in the process of fucking me over and making my job impossible? He’s new to this store, and he is writing the work schedule without a grasp of the store and the employees. It’s not intentional, so it’s not his fault (at least I wouldn’t characterize it that way, even if objectively speaking it’s totally his fault). He’s new to making the schedule. I’ve had the same schedule for the last two years, and we had a system that works. He’s totally thrown it out the window. I don’t believe he’s doing it maliciously, but rather so he can convince us, and himself, that his position is crucial and bears a great weight of responsibility (like some fucking musical conductor or some shit). The problem (above and beyond…

I think I’m asking for advice but I might just be venting. How do I diplomatically tell my boss that he’s currently in the process of fucking me over and making my job impossible? He’s new to this store, and he is writing the work schedule without a grasp of the store and the employees.

It’s not intentional, so it’s not his fault (at least I wouldn’t characterize it that way, even if objectively speaking it’s totally his fault). He’s new to making the schedule. I’ve had the same schedule for the last two years, and we had a system that works. He’s totally thrown it out the window. I don’t believe he’s doing it maliciously, but rather so he can convince us, and himself, that his position is crucial and bears a great weight of responsibility (like some fucking musical conductor or some shit).

The problem (above and beyond just being a personal inconvenience and pain in my ass), is that my days now no longer coincide logically with the tasks I must do.

So he’s setting me up for failure.

I’ve told him my schedule before -he was listening but didn’t hear me. Evidently. For context, I am not the only one having this problem. But we are so siloed in our positions, I’m not very informed on the details of other people’s complaints beyond the fact that they exist alongside my own.

I don’t want to go into the talk livid and fuming (I’m super uncomfortable with confrontations like this). How do I communicate all this to him in a calm and diplomatic way? How do I make it clear without quitting, that I am very close to quitting? You must understand that moral at this place has been sinking since before covid, and is just now hitting a new low.

tldr: I don’t know what this company is smoking, but it must be good…

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