
Does this seem unreasonable and impractical to anyone?

(I’m having to repost this because it got taken down… I’ve changed up the format a little because I had a photo to share with you all but I can’t share that on here so I’m writing out what the note said, here.) I'm curious what other's thoughts are on this. Yesterday my boss happened to catch me while I was sending a quick text to my wife and it's such a terrible feeling because she got on to me and told me to put my phone at my desk like I was a child. I'm not the only one here that uses their phone either. In fact I try to be as subtle as I possibly can about the whole phone usage thing because i live in constant paranoia and fear when I need to change the song or podcast i'm listening to. But I have a couple other…

(I’m having to repost this because it got taken down…
I’ve changed up the format a little because I had a photo to share with you all but I can’t share that on here so I’m writing out what the note said, here.)

I'm curious what other's thoughts are on this.
Yesterday my boss happened to catch me while I was sending a quick text to my wife and it's such a terrible feeling because she got on to me and told me to put my phone at my desk like I was a child.

I'm not the only one here that uses their phone either. In fact I try to be as subtle as I possibly can about the whole phone usage thing because i live in constant paranoia and fear when I need to change the song or podcast i'm listening to. But I have a couple other co-workers that are so blatant about it and boss doesn't say or do ANYTHING about them using. The one guy straight up has his phone propped up against a giant ass speaker he rolls into work and plops on his desk and watches anime all day.

I just think my boss doesn't like me tbh. I come in everyday already feeling stressed and anxious.

So anyways… today I come in and at the computer we
clock in at is this note. (Some context: paid breaks = 10

The note reads:

A gentle reminder to all,
Please refrain from using your phones during paid working hours.
company name started offering one paid break for every four hours worked in order to allow those who need to make phone calls to do so and to cut down on excessive phone use. Please do not receive text messages, phone calls or surf the net or any other phone activity unless you are punched out for a break.
Listening to a music station or a podcast is fine. Please set a station and listen to it for the day. Constantly picking up a phone is a distraction and causes workflow to suffer.
If more than 1 break is taken for each 4 hours worked per day, the break will be reclassified as unpaid. Please don't be surprised when this happens.
Paid breaks are costly to company name and were given as a benefit to assist personal needs. Paid breaks may not continue if phone usage and net surfing continues during work hours.
Paid breaks round up to 86 hours per person per vear or two weeks additional paid time off. Please don't abuse it.
We do not wish to go back to the former
policy of no paid breaks.

If you have any questions and or would like additional info just lemme know.

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