
Do Not Work for Costco, they do not care if you end up homeless.

This is going to more of a rant than anything, but if anybody has any advice feel free to give it. I have been working for Costco (UK) since late last year, and for the most part have been doing well until March time. It turns out that you can never really avoid major health problems like diabetes and severe anxiety, and so I was put on medical leave for a few months until I was ready to work again. Fast forward to July, and I was advised to resign by Costco as the constant interruptions due to health were putting my employment in shaky position, and I decided to claim for ESA – all I needed from Costco was an SSP1 form when my SSP ran out which would be on the 22nd. They agreed to this, and my resignation was filled in and signed on the 26th. After…

This is going to more of a rant than anything, but if anybody has any advice feel free to give it.

I have been working for Costco (UK) since late last year, and for the most part have been doing well until March time. It turns out that you can never really avoid major health problems like diabetes and severe anxiety, and so I was put on medical leave for a few months until I was ready to work again.

Fast forward to July, and I was advised to resign by Costco as the constant interruptions due to health were putting my employment in shaky position, and I decided to claim for ESA – all I needed from Costco was an SSP1 form when my SSP ran out which would be on the 22nd. They agreed to this, and my resignation was filled in and signed on the 26th.

After 3 weeks of emails back and forth for the SSP1 form so that I can claim my benefits and not end up being homeless, I received an email from their head of payroll confirming that they will not be sending me an SSP1 form. Upon reminding them that this was a legal requirement when my SSP ended, I was hit with a “we don't have to, you aren't our employee anymore”.

Simply put, Costco simply do not care that one of their former employees may now be penniless and homeless. The fact that they seem to be going out of their way to screw someone over like this is frankly disgusting, when all they had to do was fill in a standard form and hand it back to me – I even supplied them with the form at one point as the resources are readily available online.

Just thought I'd warn everyone, if you plan to work at Costco at any point – keep in mind that they simply do not care about you.

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