
2 weeks notice is a joke

So I’ve been having disagreements with my current job to the point that I’m ready to move on, I’m supposed to be getting a 1 bed 1 bath apartment on my own this same month, I gave a end of the month notice as that gets me past buying the apartment and gets me ready to start a new job. I come in just to be sat down and told that HR is adamant I be out of the building august 16th because their policy only allows for a 2 week notice, so I tell them I’d like to put in a 2 week notice later but they refused and said that august 16th is the deadline. Here I try to do the right thing just to be punished. Never, ever give any place a 2 week notice, just not worth it as now I’m out in a bad situation.

So I’ve been having disagreements with my current job to the point that I’m ready to move on, I’m supposed to be getting a 1 bed 1 bath apartment on my own this same month, I gave a end of the month notice as that gets me past buying the apartment and gets me ready to start a new job.

I come in just to be sat down and told that HR is adamant I be out of the building august 16th because their policy only allows for a 2 week notice, so I tell them I’d like to put in a 2 week notice later but they refused and said that august 16th is the deadline. Here I try to do the right thing just to be punished. Never, ever give any place a 2 week notice, just not worth it as now I’m out in a bad situation.

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