
I keep thinking about my old boss. She died.

A year ago I worked as a cake decorator in a very small bakery with only 5 total employees. The boss/owner was fairly nice at first…but the immediate manager did not want me to do more than what she says. About 6 months in I got pulled aside by the owner saying that I wasn't doing anything and wasn't willing to learn to do more. I told her that she was wrong and that I had begged to learn and do more but the manager did not give me the opportunity. After that encounter I was able to do more but was still restricted to certain types of decorations. I explored new ideas at home when I would make for my immediate family and did not sell as listed on our agreement before hiring. I kept getting told I was not doing enough and I was on the grounds for…

A year ago I worked as a cake decorator in a very small bakery with only 5 total employees. The boss/owner was fairly nice at first…but the immediate manager did not want me to do more than what she says. About 6 months in I got pulled aside by the owner saying that I wasn't doing anything and wasn't willing to learn to do more. I told her that she was wrong and that I had begged to learn and do more but the manager did not give me the opportunity. After that encounter I was able to do more but was still restricted to certain types of decorations. I explored new ideas at home when I would make for my immediate family and did not sell as listed on our agreement before hiring. I kept getting told I was not doing enough and I was on the grounds for firing if I did not do more.(I did the most)I followed the rules and new the owner's health was deteriorating due to her cancer. We began to argue about taking time off at this point I was working 8 -12 hours days at 6 days a week. She didn't seem to mind the hectic work schedule due to most of the other workers were illigal and did as they were told due to fear of losing a paycheck. It got worse and worse and was threatened with being fired if I would call in sick, take time off, leave early, or get their late.(all which the manager would do not me.) About a week prior to her death she sent a very aggressive message saying I was selling cakes on the side and how she was going to use legal actions for using her recipes. I told her that I used my own recipes I had seen off of YouTube or Pinterest and that I never sold nor had she had any proof I sold since I only made cakes for my nieces birthdays. I was told that I was not allowed to return until the weekend when I was able to get my paycheck. Needless to say she messaged back saying that her cancer was taking a toll on her and I had messaged her rudely in her tough time but that she would not forgive me for taking her recipes. Long story short I continued to work just to provide the cheese to my other coworkers. She passed away shortly after and I feel bad for not regretting her death.

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