
Manager is racist, homophobic, and a mysoginist. Should I report him?

I'm not really sure what to do. Historically, when people file a complaint about their managers, they get fired. All managers usually give a shout out and let everyone know that it's a team member's birthday. Nope, not this manager. He deliberately chose to not send birthday wishes to me. Am I being petty about this or should I feel like I'm not a valuable member of the team and he just wants me to quit. This manager also deliberately excludes me citing only people in the office get invited and not people who work from home. Company's policy is remote-first, not office first. He is deliberately being a dick. I am deliberately not being included in any meetings, conversations, or outings. Everyone on the team knows he hates gay people citing that it's a disease to be gay, and not even his boss does anything. Everyone also knows his…

I'm not really sure what to do. Historically, when people file a complaint about their managers, they get fired.

All managers usually give a shout out and let everyone know that it's a team member's birthday. Nope, not this manager. He deliberately chose to not send birthday wishes to me. Am I being petty about this or should I feel like I'm not a valuable member of the team and he just wants me to quit.

This manager also deliberately excludes me citing only people in the office get invited and not people who work from home. Company's policy is remote-first, not office first. He is deliberately being a dick.

I am deliberately not being included in any meetings, conversations, or outings.

Everyone on the team knows he hates gay people citing that it's a disease to be gay, and not even his boss does anything.

Everyone also knows his disdain for a certain race who he thinks are less than human.

His view of women are that they should be at home serving the man and child-bearing only, not be in the workplace.

Should a company keep this kind of person around? They think that they are lost without him, but he deserves to be fired.

What to do?

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