
Got sent home because I didn’t want to take my lunch 30 minutes early

Today at work I was approached by one of my managers, I was in the middle of the hourly broom of the store (work as a courtesy clerk at a supermarket) and was told to go to my lunch after I finished. Lunches are typically given 3 to 4 hours into a shift, and I entered at 3:30 today, it wasn't out of the ordinary to be asked but I wanted to wait till the fourth hour so I can call my boyfriend for lunch (he would be out of work by the time my lunch started). I then said to her “Is it possible to go at 7:30” she said no since she needed help cleaning the kitchen, to which I replied with “I dont leave till 11 today so I definitely have time to help you out” she said no once more and then walked away. I was…

Today at work I was approached by one of my managers, I was in the middle of the hourly broom of the store (work as a courtesy clerk at a supermarket) and was told to go to my lunch after I finished. Lunches are typically given 3 to 4 hours into a shift, and I entered at 3:30 today, it wasn't out of the ordinary to be asked but I wanted to wait till the fourth hour so I can call my boyfriend for lunch (he would be out of work by the time my lunch started). I then said to her “Is it possible to go at 7:30” she said no since she needed help cleaning the kitchen, to which I replied with “I dont leave till 11 today so I definitely have time to help you out” she said no once more and then walked away. I was gonna let it slide but I NEEDED to talk to my boyfriend since we had a little dilemma before he left for work and wanted to talk about it. I was genuinely sad and upset over it. Anyway I wasn't gonna take no for an answer and followed her saying “I'd very much prefer going at 7:30” to which she then said “You can go write an affidavit saying you dont want to take your lunch and that you're not listening to me” I joyfully said okay and finished up the broom.

I happily went back to her once I was done and said “I'm ready for the affidavit” to which she said “You can write it once you come back from lunch, now go” I said “no thank you” and she said “you can clock out and go home”. Now this was perfect because I hate closing and work in general so you did not have to tell me twice, and went home. This isn't the first time I've gotten involved in a quarrel with her. She's known for her temper and I know to keep things professional but I'm curious on where I go from here

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