
This sub has become infested

This sub used to be such a hopeful place. A beacon for those who want to change the workforce. There’s a lot of people who truly want and need change that advocate it in this sub. Higher wages, shorter work hours, better working conditions etc. But lately that all is buried underneath straight up garbage. People advocating for stealing just because it “gets back at the corporations”, yeah that will sure make them change their hearts and minds. They’re only going to continue fucking us because they don’t think we deserve any better. If you act like an asshole, you’re gonna get treated like an asshole. People advocating for screwing over their bosses in despicable ways. I totally get leaving for better pay/work, but no need to degrade anyone or the work environment on your way out. The best revenge is silent happiness. People boomer bashing, and blaming every single…

This sub used to be such a hopeful place. A beacon for those who want to change the workforce. There’s a lot of people who truly want and need change that advocate it in this sub. Higher wages, shorter work hours, better working conditions etc. But lately that all is buried underneath straight up garbage.

People advocating for stealing just because it “gets back at the corporations”, yeah that will sure make them change their hearts and minds. They’re only going to continue fucking us because they don’t think we deserve any better. If you act like an asshole, you’re gonna get treated like an asshole.

People advocating for screwing over their bosses in despicable ways. I totally get leaving for better pay/work, but no need to degrade anyone or the work environment on your way out. The best revenge is silent happiness.

People boomer bashing, and blaming every single little problem in their life on “the boomers”. Yes we know they fucked up, but simply bitching about them day in and day out isn’t going to change anything. There’s not even any boomers on this sub, so you’re bitching is going nowhere.

How about instead of blasting negative energy in here we have positive energy instead? This sub literally is the embodiment of the apartment complex Judge Dredd was trapped in at this point. So many good issues, points and desires buried under loads of shit that bubble their way to the surface. Before the news interview this sub was gaining some beautiful traction and getting the right attention. But now that has fallen apart. We need to stop this now before this sub completely collapses and becomes nothing but a complete and total laughing stock.

I LOVE the posts of successful protesting, successful unions, people getting better jobs, people seeking advice on how we can make this movement move forward. But these posts that are filled with hate are doing nothing but hindering us and holding us back. They make us look like lazy, primitive savages. We need to be professional in our tactics. Are you more afraid of the caveman with a stick or the assassin in the suit? Please let’s do better guys and girls.

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