
eval score too high?!

I was told that HR would not accept my original eval score because it was too high so it was lowered quite a bit. Granted, I was told by a manager who I barely trust…who is blatantly full of shit most of the time. However, I have been told this is a common occurrence at my workplace by others who happen to be managers in other departments. Wtf is this? Why even do an eval if they aren't going to accept a true eval. Makes me think HR is trying to sandbag raises or do some other kind of shady shit. Has anyone else experienced this or is it only my toxic workplace?

I was told that HR would not accept my original eval score because it was too high so it was lowered quite a bit. Granted, I was told by a manager who I barely trust…who is blatantly full of shit most of the time. However, I have been told this is a common occurrence at my workplace by others who happen to be managers in other departments.

Wtf is this? Why even do an eval if they aren't going to accept a true eval. Makes me think HR is trying to sandbag raises or do some other kind of shady shit.

Has anyone else experienced this or is it only my toxic workplace?

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