
Coworkers openly use the R word

Sorry if the format isn't fitting I just have to get this off my chest because it has been bothering me for the last 10 months! I work at a AFC facility ( adult foster care) / assisted living, and for some reason which apparently only I understand is wrong… My coworkers are very comfortable with using the r word..even though we work with people with intellectual differences and certain cognitive functions. No matter how many times I bring up to them how wrong it is to be using that word, especially where we work! they have every excuse in the book. I was always taught and never to use that word and as somebody who has been called that word because of a diagnosis from a very young age, I find it extremely inappropriate. I have brought this up multiple times to management and my coworkers. I am extremely…

Sorry if the format isn't fitting I just have to get this off my chest because it has been bothering me for the last 10 months! I work at a AFC facility ( adult foster care) / assisted living, and for some reason which apparently only I understand is wrong… My coworkers are very comfortable with using the r word..even though we work with people with intellectual differences and certain cognitive functions. No matter how many times I bring up to them how wrong it is to be using that word, especially where we work! they have every excuse in the book. I was always taught and never to use that word and as somebody who has been called that word because of a diagnosis from a very young age, I find it extremely inappropriate. I have brought this up multiple times to management and my coworkers. I am extremely disappointed & have finally decided to put in my two weeks. I am ashamed to work where I do. I'm either constantly avoiding them starting drama with each other or seriously questioning how some of them are even allowed to work where we do. We are constantly short staffed for a reason. Sorry to just dump this here but I feel f-ing crazy being the only one who sees this as wrong & yes ofc this is in the US

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