
so was asked to work a place a didnt apply too and got rejected from all the other work sites I applied too.

So this is a strange one, I been looking for a new job for a while now and applied to several front desk in my local area from the same company. I got a call back from the company about a position wildly different than what i remember applying for. They said they wanted to off me the Job I applied for off the bat. At first I was excited and asked which site I would be working at, and they told me where,I did a double take and looked up where I applied and it didn't match what she was saying, I started asking questions and Red flags started to rise. first up, it was paying lower than the other ads on the site, 2nd it was 45 minutes away and 3rd it was for half the time when the others “part time less than 10 hours conparted to…

So this is a strange one, I been looking for a new job for a while now and applied to several front desk in my local area from the same company. I got a call back from the company about a position wildly different than what i remember applying for. They said they wanted to off me the Job I applied for off the bat. At first I was excited and asked which site I would be working at, and they told me where,I did a double take and looked up where I applied and it didn't match what she was saying, I started asking questions and Red flags started to rise.

first up, it was paying lower than the other ads on the site, 2nd it was 45 minutes away and 3rd it was for half the time when the others “part time less than 10 hours conparted to 24 hours a week.” I was hopping onto the computer during the call to see the Details she was talking about and found out that there was an office out in the middle of nowhere that were hiring but I never applied. I asked them about the other Jobs the ones I applied for and got back a “we are working on it” and just wanted to see if I would be interested in something “different” but adjacent to what I applied for. I told them I would think on it but likely not willing to take them on the offer and would like to work at the closer offices.

So within the hour of that phone call, all my applications were rejected and some of the ads even disappeared. still kind of confused as to why go about this like that did?

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