
Should I ask for a raise? Or move to another city?

So in my previous job I was making around $2500 per month which is considered above standard wage in my country. But rents in the city I was living in were increasing by tens of percent and I was struggling with money. Then my mom got sick and I said to myself that I need to spend with my parents before they are gone. I will be turning 30 later this year, got through a difficult breakup and was thinking that maybe one year in my parents house will help me get some stability and inner peace. Since I have quite an impressive portfolio and CV I did not had a problem finding a new job. Still my hometown is not one of the richest and I now make only $1900. At first I thought it is enough, even with the debts from my darker times. But I can barely…

So in my previous job I was making around $2500 per month which is considered above standard wage in my country. But rents in the city I was living in were increasing by tens of percent and I was struggling with money. Then my mom got sick and I said to myself that I need to spend with my parents before they are gone. I will be turning 30 later this year, got through a difficult breakup and was thinking that maybe one year in my parents house will help me get some stability and inner peace.

Since I have quite an impressive portfolio and CV I did not had a problem finding a new job. Still my hometown is not one of the richest and I now make only $1900. At first I thought it is enough, even with the debts from my darker times. But I can barely save $150 each month and when something unexpected hits I am screwed. F.e. last month I was in a small car accident and had to pay $300 for the repairs.

And now there is my dad. He acts around me like if I was 15, always putting me to work around the house, not minding that I just spend 11 hours in the office or that I have something else to do – sitting behind a computer is not a work for him. Last time he wanted me to drive with him and mom somewhere so I can navigate him (he does not know how to use a GPS) but I had to stay at the office late as we were dealing with a serious crisis. In the end I had to leave the office and drive to my parents because my mom was not able to get her Google Maps working and he was yelling at her in the middle of nowhere (turned out she just did not had a connection). Really, dealing with my father is a job on its own – my mother is even on antidepressants because of him.

So naturally, I want to move out before I get mad in here. But my financial situation is not very supportive. I miss around $500-$1000 in my budget every month. I was thinking about taking some side jobs as I am fairly capable graphic designer, but the thing is I am not sure if I have time for that. My current job and my family take a lot.

And yes. My job. The company is a big regional corporate where I was hired as a person responsible for all their B2E communication. There was supposed to be two of us, me and my boss, but she quit the first month I was there. And when they realized I know something about graphic design and B2B marketing as well, they gave me far more responsibilities. I would ask for a rise, but $500 is a lot of money. The company is now in a difficult financial position and my boss even encourages me NOT to responsibilities outside of my contract. But the current state of the projects does not allow me to stop as too many people rely on me.

So hence the question. Should I ask for a raise or move somewhere else? I had offers for $3000 as a marketing executive but wanted something simple and fun and close to my family. But now nothing just makes sense to me.

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