
My boring data entry job measures production all day

We have to constantly be typing and it is hell, I get hit with low production meetings all the time because I go back and fix mistakes and it counts towards lower production. Production-based jobs are the worst, they hound us with production numbers every week and I always get scared to check the email. When asked why my production is low, I simply say that I want to correct my mistakes and when we go back it lowers production. I don’t know what else to say. Also, they time us for bathroom breaks and we can’t be paused on our screen for a certain amount of time or we get warning for that as well. I cannot stand this soul-sucking job and can’t wait to get out of this one day.

We have to constantly be typing and it is hell, I get hit with low production meetings all the time because I go back and fix mistakes and it counts towards lower production. Production-based jobs are the worst, they hound us with production numbers every week and I always get scared to check the email. When asked why my production is low, I simply say that I want to correct my mistakes and when we go back it lowers production. I don’t know what else to say. Also, they time us for bathroom breaks and we can’t be paused on our screen for a certain amount of time or we get warning for that as well. I cannot stand this soul-sucking job and can’t wait to get out of this one day.

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