
Coworker with checkered past

I've been at my blue collar job for a year. I've never had a problem with a hothead until a couple months ago. He's over the age of 45. To be clear, we are equals, we are not supervisors. There are three incidents where the guy rudely insisted on respect. Read the entire post before commenting. I'll explain incidents #2 & #3. Incident #2 happened in mid-July. Part of my job description is spray priming metal parts and frames. I put on my protective suit and air mask. As soon as I did this, *Roy (not real name) tells me, “That's disrespectful. Can't you see I'm already suited up.” Roy tries to get me to spar with him. I stare back at him. I don't argue back. He says to me, “I like this shit.” Oh my. Now I know Roy likes to stir the pot. This happened on a…

I've been at my blue collar job for a year. I've never had a problem with a hothead until a couple months ago. He's over the age of 45. To be clear, we are equals, we are not supervisors.

There are three incidents where the guy rudely insisted on respect. Read the entire post before commenting. I'll explain incidents #2 & #3.

Incident #2 happened in mid-July. Part of my job description is spray priming metal parts and frames. I put on my protective suit and air mask. As soon as I did this, *Roy (not real name) tells me, “That's disrespectful. Can't you see I'm already suited up.” Roy tries to get me to spar with him. I stare back at him. I don't argue back. He says to me, “I like this shit.” Oh my. Now I know Roy likes to stir the pot. This happened on a voluntary overtime day with no one within 30 feet of us.

Incident #3 happened on another voluntary overtime day. On voluntary overtime days we get a company paid fast food breakfast sandwich. When I get my sandwich, I put it down to wash my dirty hands and use the toilet. When I come back, the guy ate half my sandwich. He ordered something different and I couldn't believe he did this. I say, “Hey, that's my sandwich.”

The look on Roy's face was disbelief. He apologized and left the building to replace what he ate. This is where it gets goofy. My boss, *Ron (not real name) tellls me, “It's not break time. And where's Roy?”

I said, “Ron, he went to McDonald's.”

“He can't do that. That can get him fired.”

Roy comes in from his fast food trip. I tell him,

“Roy, you can't leave without permission.”

“You're not my supervisor. You can't tell me.”

“I'm just warning you, Roy.”

I'm not a supervisor. The only thing I did wrong was tell him what he couldn't do. From now on, I'll let people do stupid things. I don't get paid enough to warn of pitfalls anyway.

After Ron shows up, he chews out Roy and tells him leaving the building while on the clock could get him fired. Roy points his finger in my face using intimidation to demand respect telling me not to interject. Demanding respect never works.

Roy follows me into the spraying room and continues his effort to stir the pot. “The conversation is over. We've already discussed this.”

Roy's response, “I want to see your angry side.”

“You're not going to see it, Roy.” This remark sent Roy through the ceiling. He slammed the door said, “This is like jail for you.”

At break time, Roy gave me a ten second stare of death. What kind of guy does this?

As long as this guy is my coworker, I'm not working any voluntary overtime.

Recently I punched up this guy's criminal past. He cannot control his temper or hold his liquor. Criminal background checks don't reveal juvenile Arrests. His entire adult life contains a rap sheet. Plus a bankruptcy too.

At work, we now work side by side and minimal interaction. I've never worked a whole week without saying a word to my nearest proximity coworker until last week

I called the temp agency where he may be a client. I told them he has rap sheet due to his temper without revealing arrests or convictions) and his intimidation on an overtime day.

I don't care if I get chewed out at work. I'm on the autism spectrum and he sees weakness and enjoys exploiting it. Little does he know people who step on me live cursed lives and wonder why. Nice guts finish last. A-holes finish anywhere but last.

It feels good to control my anger, and it's easier every year. The other guy crossed the line from young and stupid to old and stupid.

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