
Protect Yourself: You Have No Assumption of Privacy on a Computer Provided by Your Employer

To prevent harm to your reputation, or worse, assume that absolutely everything you do on a work computer is heavily monitored. As a cybersecurity expert who’s worked for multiple large enterprises, I recommend doing nothing on a work computer, that you wouldn’t be comfortable being published in the newspaper or reported on the broadcast news. I’ve seen this topic come up several times in recent posts and comment threads. Now I can’t speak for EVERY employer, but, this advice should apply for all American, and American-based international organizations. You should assume that every mouse click and keystroke is logged, and could be reported for any purpose the employer prefers. Certain pieces of information may have to be approved by the organizations’ legal group, but, absolutely everything is most likely captured. That means if you’re; job hunting, streaming content, checking on your favorite social media site, bad-mouthing your terrible boss to…

To prevent harm to your reputation, or worse, assume that absolutely everything you do on a work computer is heavily monitored. As a cybersecurity expert who’s worked for multiple large enterprises, I recommend doing nothing on a work computer, that you wouldn’t be comfortable being published in the newspaper or reported on the broadcast news.

I’ve seen this topic come up several times in recent posts and comment threads. Now I can’t speak for EVERY employer, but, this advice should apply for all American, and American-based international organizations. You should assume that every mouse click and keystroke is logged, and could be reported for any purpose the employer prefers. Certain pieces of information may have to be approved by the organizations’ legal group, but, absolutely everything is most likely captured.

That means if you’re; job hunting, streaming content, checking on your favorite social media site, bad-mouthing your terrible boss to a coworker, or anything not work related, then you probably want to avoid doing it on a work computer.

TL;DR – It’s best to do nothing personal on a work computer, it’s all being watched. It can all be used against you if your employer truly wanted to.

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