
Finally broke the camels back

I think last week was finally the straw that breaks the camels back for me. I dont know what else I can do. Where I work I am currently the “top” employee in performance, I've been there for months. Consistent numbers, never calling off, literally week in and out my numbers are never below 110% and they've been that way months. Last week finally did it, I was once again pulled into a meeting for something mundane. This time it was for the simple issue of asking a question. I mean, yes I admit I have questions. I have PTSD from a prior job so I ask questions to make sure I'm right. If and when I do make a mistake its a 5 second fix that I can do on my end. I've never had anything go beyond that. Not once. Beyond that, I work OT, I never take…

I think last week was finally the straw that breaks the camels back for me.

I dont know what else I can do. Where I work I am currently the “top” employee in performance, I've been there for months. Consistent numbers, never calling off, literally week in and out my numbers are never below 110% and they've been that way months.

Last week finally did it, I was once again pulled into a meeting for something mundane. This time it was for the simple issue of asking a question.

I mean, yes I admit I have questions. I have PTSD from a prior job so I ask questions to make sure I'm right. If and when I do make a mistake its a 5 second fix that I can do on my end. I've never had anything go beyond that. Not once.

Beyond that, I work OT, I never take extra days off, I dont call out sick, and like I said my numbers are always phenomenal, always.

Yet time and again I'm pulled aside for nothing, this time it was for asking a question. Literally a “hey I'm having a brain fart here, can you confirm this for me?”.

I honestly just can't anymore. I love the work I'm doing, it pays my bills and then some but the office politics. The cattyness. I cant.

I've made my mind up, its time to look elsewhere. I'm not here to play office politics, or make friends. I'm here to make a paycheck and make sure my work looks right.

What else can I possibly do? I mean I don't have a single write up against me, but I've been pulled aside for verbal talks about things as small as asking questions so many times that it has absolutely nuked any possible chance upward growth.

This job has become a dead end and it's shitty because I busted my ass all this time to make sure I was top of the board every day.

Someone has beef with me somewhere and frankly, I'm not in highschool anymore. I dont have time for petty shit. I have a family, a home, bills to pay and people that I provide for. I dont have time for this.

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