
Apparently it will take 2 weeks to correct my schedule. I’m debating whether to just give them 1 weeks notice instead.

2 days ago I got back from a 3-week trip abroad, wherein I had zero internet access. I didn't bring my phone and the sole piece of online news I heard from someone else the entire time was that Alcarez won Wimbledon. That's how disconnected I was. (I did a lot of hiking and conservation). I just checked my work schedule for the first time since arriving home (restaurant) since the last three weeks have been given as time off, and I've been scheduled for 20 hours in the kitchen this week. For context, when I started this job just over a month ago, I asked for and was told it would be 8-10 hours a week, split between kitchen and front of housing. I physically and mentally can't do more due to exam revision and stress levels (I have physical conditions set off by stress) I texted the manager…

2 days ago I got back from a 3-week trip abroad, wherein I had zero internet access. I didn't bring my phone and the sole piece of online news I heard from someone else the entire time was that Alcarez won Wimbledon. That's how disconnected I was. (I did a lot of hiking and conservation).

I just checked my work schedule for the first time since arriving home (restaurant) since the last three weeks have been given as time off, and I've been scheduled for 20 hours in the kitchen this week. For context, when I started this job just over a month ago, I asked for and was told it would be 8-10 hours a week, split between kitchen and front of housing. I physically and mentally can't do more due to exam revision and stress levels (I have physical conditions set off by stress) I texted the manager about these issues and they said that whilst they can change the hours this week, any other changes will require 'two weeks notice'.

I do not want to spend two weeks doing stuff I never agreed to do. I am jetlagged, surviving off of two hours of sleep, and my stomach hurts rn (it's been bad all morning). I have signed a contract saying I have to give a weeks written notice to quit and I'm strongly tempted. I applied for a purely FOH role and only agreed to do a bit of kitchen work (potwashing) during the interview. I'm going to play squash now because I need to violently hit some things because I'm so annoyed.

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