
Anyone Else Stuck in a Crappy Job? My Story of Post-Graduation Struggles

Hey fellow anti-work Redditors, I can't help but vent about the absolute dumpster fire of a job back in 2020. I graduated right as the COVID-19 pandemic unleashed chaos upon the world, which, as luck would have it, severely limited my job prospects due to immigration requirements. Talk about terrible timing, right? Now, I'm an engineer by education, but it seems like every company in my area is on a hiring freeze or worse, letting people go. So, here's where the real fun begins. I ended up landing at a so-called non-profit, “for-charity” company. They dangled the lowest wage I'd ever seen – a whopping $11 an hour – and I, desperate to escape unemployment, reluctantly took the offer. Let me paint you a picture of just how abysmal this place truly is: The warehouse I work in is basically a dungeon. Think no windows, no air conditioning – so…

Hey fellow anti-work Redditors,

I can't help but vent about the absolute dumpster fire of a job back in 2020. I graduated right as the COVID-19 pandemic unleashed chaos upon the world, which, as luck would have it, severely limited my job prospects due to immigration requirements. Talk about terrible timing, right?

Now, I'm an engineer by education, but it seems like every company in my area is on a hiring freeze or worse, letting people go. So, here's where the real fun begins. I ended up landing at a so-called non-profit, “for-charity” company. They dangled the lowest wage I'd ever seen – a whopping $11 an hour – and I, desperate to escape unemployment, reluctantly took the offer.

Let me paint you a picture of just how abysmal this place truly is:

  • The warehouse I work in is basically a dungeon. Think no windows, no air conditioning – so it's a sauna in the summer and an icebox in the winter.
  • Ever heard of cleaning? Neither have they. Dust and debris have essentially become part of the decor.
  • And let's not even get me started on the restroom. The less said, the better.
  • Oh, and the aroma! The place emits an odor that you wouldn't believe. It took them months to locate a deceased mouse that was adding to the ambiance.
  • But wait, there's more! I recently decided to move on and gave them a month's notice out of courtesy. When I requested a simple recommendation or verification letter, crickets. I reached out to the so-called “HR Generalist” (a title that sounds way fancier than it actually is), and her response? “Sorry, our policy forbids us from giving recommendations.” Utter nonsense if you ask me.

Now, I'm not losing sleep over leaving this nightmare behind, but I can't help but feel for the poor souls who are still trapped there. Has anyone else here been through a job situation worse than this?

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