
Recruiter just tried to hire me for my current position.

God damn. Don't even really know what I'm feeling right now. ​ Been busting my ass for this company, no complaints about my performance, no criticism, constantly complemented by those I interact with, and even had a director at my site snging my praises. ​ I get home from work today and immediately get called by a recruiter. This recruiter fucked up and told me the position was for my job title, at my employer, where I'm the only one who holds that title. I know we're not expanding, my company is going through layoffs and a hiring freeze. ​ I swear man, no matter how hard I work, no matter how much I do, I just can't win.

God damn. Don't even really know what I'm feeling right now.

Been busting my ass for this company, no complaints about my performance, no criticism, constantly complemented by those I interact with, and even had a director at my site snging my praises.

I get home from work today and immediately get called by a recruiter. This recruiter fucked up and told me the position was for my job title, at my employer, where I'm the only one who holds that title. I know we're not expanding, my company is going through layoffs and a hiring freeze.

I swear man, no matter how hard I work, no matter how much I do, I just can't win.

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