
Micromanaging boss who refuses to manage?

I’m sick of this. I’m sick of this ridiculous job and this ridiculous boss (and my boss I mean CEO equivalent). The head of the company I work for is an extreme micromanager. Nothing gets sent out to anyone without explicit permission. Nothing gets done unless he tells you verbally to do it. The issue is HE NEVER DOES. I have to collect information from within our company to send to someone who’s developing content for us by a certain date. The date is rapidly approaching, but my boss refuses to approve the form I created to gather the information. I’m at a complete standstill and I’m sick of it. Like dude this is YOUR problem for YOUR company, but IM gonna take the fallout of something you don’t allow me to do. This is just so ridiculous.

I’m sick of this. I’m sick of this ridiculous job and this ridiculous boss (and my boss I mean CEO equivalent).

The head of the company I work for is an extreme micromanager. Nothing gets sent out to anyone without explicit permission. Nothing gets done unless he tells you verbally to do it. The issue is HE NEVER DOES.

I have to collect information from within our company to send to someone who’s developing content for us by a certain date. The date is rapidly approaching, but my boss refuses to approve the form I created to gather the information. I’m at a complete standstill and I’m sick of it. Like dude this is YOUR problem for YOUR company, but IM gonna take the fallout of something you don’t allow me to do. This is just so ridiculous.

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