
How to handle lack desire to work pointless jobs anymore?

The thing is I lose faith because things haven't been better for me financially. I work at a call center / data entry position part-time. I keep going back and forth if I want to work more so I could actually save money and buy things I want. But the more I work for the man the more miserable I am. It makes me feel trapped like a slave. I don't know what to do sometimes. I get an urge to look for another job so I can ride that new job excitement, but all the options out there for me just sound awful. I have no desire to do this anymore and I'm tired of this pointless rat race just to put food on the table. I haven't been able to pay back my student loans (my degree didn't do anything for me) and I know when the relief…

The thing is I lose faith because things haven't been better for me financially. I work at a call center / data entry position part-time. I keep going back and forth if I want to work more so I could actually save money and buy things I want. But the more I work for the man the more miserable I am. It makes me feel trapped like a slave. I don't know what to do sometimes. I get an urge to look for another job so I can ride that new job excitement, but all the options out there for me just sound awful. I have no desire to do this anymore and I'm tired of this pointless rat race just to put food on the table. I haven't been able to pay back my student loans (my degree didn't do anything for me) and I know when the relief ends my wages will get garnished even more. I can barely scrape by right now. Sometimes I get really depressed about it and I wonder if I should do meds, but I can't afford meds, nor do I want to take them because of side-effects and lack of trust in our medical system. I don't know what to do sometimes.

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